What Is WinCrafting?

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Winning in Every Area of Your Life

A truly new, revolutionary approach which gets past ideas which have failed the test of time, such as “win-lose,” “conflict resolution,” “conflict management” and “the adversary process!”

WinCrafting Is About Creating Profound Levels of Winning in Every Area of Life Which Truly Matters to an Individual

The WinCrafting approach begins by talking about an amazing way to apply its ideas and steps to profoundly wonderful advantage in your life and the lives of those you care deeply about.  It does this by suggesting that you consider the phrase “The Beautiful Music Possibility” as a new *metric*, and also a new *territory*. When you look at each area of your life which you really care about, and consider the question, “How’s it going?” … is what you see as magnificent as the most beautiful music you’ve ever heard in your life, or something less than that? When an individual really does create “beautiful music” in their life (whether in a particular situation such as a conflict, or over the longer term, e.g., in their relationships and educational and career paths), there are *always* three very specific steps which they have followed in order to have that happen.

Unfortunately, people have not been taught what those steps ARE. For example, in the presence of conflict, people have been taught (for CENTURIES!) to wield ideas which are absolutely terrible soil in which to attempt to grow profound levels of winning. The author, John Rice, refers to these ideas … such as “win-lose” and “managing conflict” … as “ideas which have failed the test of time” … and a person MUST learn the NEW ideas (which are presented in detail in the book, and our webinars and other programs) … ideas which are “good soil,” and allow the planting and growth and blossoming of gorgeous and inspiring creations!  In turn, those ideas must be applied in an effective manner, which is greatly facilitated by following the three steps! John has given the name “WinCrafting” to that process.

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Become a Pioneer in the New Territory of WinCrafting

John suggests that, in terms of human history, we humans have been moving away from the notion that “survival” is all that matters, and deeply into a desire for THRIVING! If a person hopes to THRIVE during the course of their lifetime, they will have to become a PIONEER into the new Territory of The Beautiful Music Possibility. And just like Lewis and Clark’s Corps of Discovery, they will need to pack along with them, as they venture out, the tools which a person MUST have in order to thrive in the new territory. (One of the most-used phrases during that earlier century was “Go West, Young Man” … the book suggests that perhaps we can think about “Going Best, Young Man and Woman!”) But in our modern age, the most important tools for the pioneers described in the book are not such things as shovels and weapons … the most important tools for us now are IDEAS! And the WinCrafting ideas are absolutely essential to the creation of a pleasing and successful life in the new territory!

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To Understand What WinCrafting Is All About, It Helps to First Understand What It Isn’t

It is spectacularly important to understand what the ideas and steps are which have so dreadfully failed the test of time, and to replace those ideas with the newly-emerged WinCrafting ideas and steps which have been proving to be truly, profoundly, and quickly effective!  WinCrafting is *not* about those failed ideas and steps!  Instead, WinCrafting first shares the ideas which are foundational, which a person must be aware of (and, hopefully, master) in order to create profound levels of winning in their life and the lives of people around them, and in particular the people who are most dear to them. It then explains how to APPLY those ideas, beginning by being able to be EFFECTIVE … again, truly, profoundly, and quickly effective … in the presence of life-content which we have been trained, for centuries, to think of as, for example, “conflict!” And then WinCrafting proceeds to discuss how to best use the new ideas and steps in order to generate Beautiful Music in such areas as one’s Relationships, and one’s Educational and Career Paths! 

The author suggests, with all his heart, that you read this book, take in the ideas which are presented in it and learn to apply those ideas to challenging situations which appear in your life (not only in the presence of “conflicts,” but in such things as your relationships and educational and career paths). You can join the growing number of individuals who are the Pioneers into the WinCrafting Domain, and create joy and satisfaction … travel to Win-Win and Beyond, and into the Domain of WinCrafting and The Beautiful Music Possibility!

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Let Us Help You Make a Huge Difference In Your Life, And In The Lives of Those Around You

Read the Book

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WinCrafting by John Rice. A book of ideas, practices and success stories to guide you

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WinCrafting courses with originator, John Rice … see the “How We Can Help You” page on this website